Back-to-School Buzz Worksheet (Autumn-Term)

A printable worksheet for young children returning to school, It has an autumnal feel, decorated with autumn leaves and acorns. There are boxes for children to fill in with school-related information about themselves. This resource is designed to promote a feel-good factor to going back to school after the holidays.

Autumn Back-to-School Buzz Worksheet

Create a positive, feel-good back-to-school buzz with this fun worksheet for children of four and above. It is designed to focus a child’s mind on the lovely things about school life and is ideal for key stage 1 in the UK. This resource’s autumnal themes of acorns, autumn fruit and leaves make it the perfect choice for children going back to school after the summer holidays It can be enjoyed as something to fill in at home to help get your child in the mood for the learning ahead, or by teachers in a classroom. We hope you find it useful.

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