Hello! As you’ll know if you’re a regular visitor to this site, we add new printable colouring pages whenever we can. Here are our latest offerings, many of which have been created with the upcoming season of autumn in mind. We hope you find them useful and that if your children are heading back to school this September, they have a great term.
Category Archives: Colouring
Latest Colouring Pages
Free colouring pages are scattered throughout our site so it can be hard to spot all the new ones. That’s why this month, we thought we’d post a gallery of the latest colouring we’ve created here, in one place. (We’ll try and do this every couple of months from now on.) The pages below were all uploaded in Janaury 2016. We hope you child enjoys colouring them in.
Pens or Crayons?
There’s always something of a debate as to what children most like to colour in with – pens or crayons. It’s a tough call. When I was little, I prefered crayons, as long as they were pencil crayons. I hated wax. Felt pens used to annoy me because I could never get an even colour onto the paper… I could always see darker bits and make out the pen lines.
With pencil crayons, however, you learn to shade. You learn to press so lightly that you barely see the pencil lines. You learn how to make colour fade or ger darker smoothly. Sure, it takes patience and that may not be for everyone, (I’m not sure my sister ever delighted in these time-consuming things things), but there is a pleasure in learning to colour properly. Even if you’re not the best at drawing, a beautifully shaded colouring page can look gorgeous, and feel very worthwhile.
Having said all that, felt pens can be fun too. Plus, their strong, succulant colours might appeal to some children more than those of pencil crayons. I guess in the end, the best way to make up your mind as to which to buy is to remember what you liked when you were little… then if in doubt, ask your child.