We’ve called this one “Building a Fairy Path” and it is all about how the Tooth Fairy uses the tooth she has just collected (from your child) to help make a white path into a magical forest. The path is much-needed because the trees of the forest have a habit of moving around a lot which makes it very easy for travellers to get lost.
We think this letter is delightful – it’s packed with the usual magic and cute illustrations. Another thumbs up from us to the creator of our letters, Leone Annabella Betts. Like all our letters from the Tooth Fairy, “Building a Fairy Path” is suitable for any child who has lost a tooth and is due a visit. As many of you already know, we ask that you share a link to the letter on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn before downloading it. Thank you in advance to all those who do this – spreading the word is what keeps our little website going.
So what’s next? We’ve got at least one more full-length Tooth Fairy letter coming before the year is out, but now that September is nearly upon us, our attention will naturally turn to Halloween then Christmas. (Excitingly, this year’s full-length Father Christmas letters are being written and illustrated right this minute!) For the next Tooth Fairy letter though, be sure to watch this page, or simply keep up with us on Facebook.
There’s not much other news for now but we hope you have fun with the new letter and that you’ll visit us again soon.
Okay, if you’re one of those people who can’t bear to think of Christmas when the summer sun is shining then click away now! For everyone else and particularly those who like to collect our story-letters, the first one is available to print as soon as you like. (As always with our full-length, illustrated letters, we do ask you to share the link on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn before accessing it.)
Happily for any ultra-organised soul wanting to get their letter printed and finished well ahead of time, we have a selection of letter backsavailable too. If you’re new to this site and wondering what on earth “letter backs” are, they’re decorative designs you can print on the reverse side of our Father Christmas letters, for that extra authentic look.
The new letter is called “Father Christmas and the Pirates” and has been written and illustrated by our usual artist, Leone Annabella Betts. By the way, if you want to keep a closer eye on how this year’s letters are coming along you can follow their progress on her blog. “Father Christmas and the Pirates” is two pages long and is meant to be read on Christmas Morning. It tells the story of an adventure Father Christmas’ had on Christmas Eve, on his way to drop off the presents. It’s charming, funny and full of magic – a beautiful Christmas extra for any child.
Before ending this post, a word about this year’s “before Christmas” letters. The first one should be online and ready for printing during the first week of September and others soon after that. So do keep an eye out!
Now that we’re into August, we thought we’d do a quick round up of any summer certificates we happen to have on our site. Most of them are new this year and all have PDF versions for those of you who prefer to type names/dates on rather than write. We hope you find them useful and that if, like us, you’re in the UK, you and your children are enjoying the summer holidays. If you’re somewhere else on the planet we hope you’re having a good time too, whatever the time of year. 🙂
Elf Certificate: Being Good This Summer (No name needed)
Good Behaviour Over the Summer Holidays
Summer Traveller Pirate Certificate (Ready to personalise)
Super Summer Brushing Certificate (No name needed)
Good news for all of you who’ve asked us for scrapbooking paper in the past – we’ve finally created some. The first set is fairy-themed and the second is for Halloween. Obviously, we’d expect the fairy paper to be more popular at this time of year. Here are the links:
For anyone wondering what on earth scrapbook paper is for – well, people like it for all sorts. You can use it to help you craft greetings cards, back photos (before you frame them), make paper chains, wrap small presents, cover notebooks, create colourful origami and of course, in all kinds of collage and decoupage. Basically, the possibilities are endless. One of the children in our family recently used it to wallpaper her dolls house!
Anyway, we hope you get some use out of our scrapbook paper and if it starts to look like a popular resource, we’ll be sure to add more. In the meantime, thanks for your interest and for visiting our site today. We hope you’ll call back soon. x
As with all our resources, anything which proves particularly popular will go straight to the top of our “add more list”. The best way to let us know if you like something is to share it on Facebook, Twitter etc. We can tell how many shares and/or likes each of our pages receives and every month we have a quick look at the printables people like best and focus our efforts there.
For anyone wondering what other visitors to this site are interested in right now, this week our most popular resources are:
Yep, the fairies have been adding new resources again…
…and for all you who want a quick top 10 of the latest printable treats, here they are:
Pantry Label: Herbs and Spices
10. At number ten is a group of resources rather than one, in the form of our Herbs and Spices Pantry Labels. Not one we were expecting to be this popular, but we’re glad you find them useful.
Award for Losing Your 1st Tooth
9. One of our new vintage Tooth Fairy certificates, an Award for Losing Your First Tooth is already at number nine, in spite of only having been created a couple of days ago.
Cupcake Wrappers: Pink & Cream Floral
8. Eighth most popular among our new resources are our Wedding Cupcake Wrappers. Not that you have to limit their use to weddings, they’re great for any party. That said, all our best wishes to anyone tying the knot!
Award for Bravery at the Dentist’s
7. Another vintage Tooth Fairy certificate comes in at number seven: Award for Bravery at the Dentist’s. Clearly these types of certificates are going down well.
Cupcake Wrappers: Pirate Treasure
6. More cupcake wrappers at number six, of the pirate variety. Shiver me timbers, we’re glad you’ve enjoyed them. Arrrr!
Tooth Fairy Door Hanger
5. Number five sees a Tooth Fairy Door Hanger come into the spotlight. This is an old design recently revamped. The new style is a great match for our vintage Tooth fairy certificates, so next time your child is expecting a visit, why not bear it in mind?
Award for Losing a Tooth
4. Yet another vintage Tooth Fairy certificate has made it into this list at number four and this time it’s the “Award for Losing a Tooth“. This certificate is useful no matter which tooth has fallen out – a great general Tooth Fairy resource to suit any child. Don’t forget that if you want to type your child’s name directly onto the certificate, look underneath it for a “personalise” button.
Tooth Fairy: Classic Tooth & Money Envelopes
3. A bit of a surprise at number three with our classic style tiny Tooth Fairy envelopes. These are great for exchanging teeth for money, though we didn’t expect them to be so high up this list. Mind you, they sure are pretty!
Fairy Certificate of Beauty
2. Rising swiftly to number two is another resource from the fairies, our Fairy Certificate of Beauty. As the certificate says, it’s for girls who are beautiful inside and out – sweetly sentimental and a good one to hang on the nursery wall. Don’t forget that there’s also an editable pdf version of this resource, which you can type your child’s name straight onto.
Letter from the Monster in Your House: “I’m Moving Out!”
1. And finally, at number one is a new resource for all the family – our latest letter from the monster who lives in your house, saying he’s moving out. We’re not surprised this one has been popular, it’s funny and magical all at the same time.
Have you noticed? They’re everywhere. Turning up at children’s parties, popping out of picnic baskets, lurking in the bakery sections of the supermarkets…
Cupcakes, it seems, are back in fashion in a big way. Why? Well, first they’re small. You can eat one and you don’t really feel as bad as if you’d had a slice of cake. Then of course there are the kids. They love them! And if you’re feeling brave, (not to mention energetic enough to clear up the mess it makes), you can even let them bake a few. Finally, there are the little cupcake cases, ensuring a perfect shape every time – not to mention that those too lazy to fetch a plate can use them to catch the crumbs. Yep, all in all cupcakes are a joy of a snack and they come in so many flavours and forms that it makes your head spin.
As if that’s not enough, we at Rooftop Post have recently had mounds of requests for “cupcake wrappers“. We should be honest here, when we first got an email asking if we had any cupcake wrappers to print, we’d never heard of them. We had to rush off to Google to find out what they were… and lo and behold, there were hundreds. And hundreds of people crafting them. So we got to work immediately and created some of our own.
For anyone as out of touch as we were, cupcake wrappers are brightly coloured strips of paper which you wrap around the case of your freshly baked (or in our case freshly bought!) cupcakes to make them look even more fabulous and delicious than they already are. They look great at children’s parties and can be very useful say at Halloween or Christmas, when you’re trying to present all your baking within a seasonal theme.
Here’s a list of the wrappers we’ve got to print so far. If they prove popular, we’ll add more:
It’s VERY early days, but the most popular choice by users of this site so far seem to be the fairy cupcake wrappers. Mind you, we’re guessing this will change with the seasons. We really hope you enjoy our wrappers and wish you all the best in your cupcake baking endeavours. 🙂
It’s been a while since we’ve posted, but we’ve been busy in the background making new printables and coming up with new crafting ideas. The latest additions to this site are a range of printable labels for your pantry. Great for those of you who like to organise your kitchen… and if the kids are around, you can get them to help.
We’ve arranged the pantry labels into the following categories:
We reckon we’ve covered most basic pantry items, but if we think of any more we’ll be sure to add them. Each label has been uploaded to this site as a large high resolution image, so you can resize them to suit your own particular containers and jars.
Which pantry labels are the most popular?
It’s early days but so far, we’ve found that our jam labels have been the most popular… we didn’t really expect that but we hope all you jam lovers out there are finding them useful.
What crafting tools do I need for this?
It goes without saying really, but to use our labels to best effect you will need:
a printer;
some scissors;
and some double sided sticky tape or glue.
For resizing your labels, most of you will already have some sort of basic drawing or photo-editing package on your computers, but if you haven’t there are plenty of free ones you can download such as Paint.NET, Google’s Picasa, or, if you’re looking for something more advanced GIMP.
People often wonder which of our Tooth Fairy resources are the most popular… and of course, so do we.
Well, we’ve consulted our stats and here they are, our top ten most popular Tooth fairy printables of all time (or at least for as long as they’ve been around). They’re in reverse order. Enjoy.
10. At number ten is this lovely little Tooth Fairy note, “Thanks for Being Asleep!” We can see why it’s popular, it has a charming turn of phrase and obviously, it’s always good to reinforce the importance of being asleep when the Tooth fairy comes round.
9. A Tooth Fairy Door Hanger has made its way to number nine – the one with the cloudy sky design.
8. It turns out our Tiny Tooth Envelopes are at number eight, which we’re quite surprised about as they are a brand new resource. The idea here is that you print and make two tiny envelopes, one for a tooth and one for a coin. You give the first to your little one for his or her tooth, then you secretly replace it with a matching envelope containing a coin. In our house, it produces squeals of glee!
6. Our sixth most popular Tooth Fairy printable is this Tooth Fairy Note Envelope. We love this resource, but those Tooth Fairies among you who have taken the trouble to read through this list might like to know a secret.
5. Another Tooth Fairy note comes in at number five: “Thank You for Another Tooth“. An obvious choice perhaps, but from our point of view we’re always happy to see we’ve got it right and created something useful.
4. Our “Award for Losing Your Second Tooth” is at number four, perhaps unsurprisingly considering number three. (We’re glad you’re coming back to us for more!) Tooth Fairy certificates are always something we’re looking for more ideas for, so we may well now do a couple more for fourth and fifth teeth.
3. At number three is our “Award for Losing Your Very First Tooth“. This little certificate has long been popular and is a lovely way to commemorate that special first tooth losing moment. If you’re using this certificate, don’t forget that there’s also an editable pdf version of it, which you can type your child’s name straight onto.
2. This one was a bit of a surprise: “Sorry I Forgot to Pick Up Your Tooth!” It’s another Tooth Fairy note of course, and we only created it as a just in case resource. Goes to show you never can tell what Tooth Fairies may need. (And if you’re a Tooth Fairy who has forgotten to pick up a tooth, take heart, you’re definitely not alone!)
1. And finally, at number one is the all time favourite – our plain old “Thank You for Your Tooth” note. As far as most Tooth Fairies go, it seems simple is best.
Top 10 Tooth Fairy Printables in a Gallery:
Want a quick view of all the top ten Tooth Fairy resources above? Just use the gallery below: