Category Archives: Seasons

Fun for the Fourth of July

Hello!  For those of you celebrating the 4th of July this year, we thought we’d create a quick post to show you which printables we’ve got on the site that could come in handy.  Please find them below.

Party Cones

First up are a few party cones, useful as hats or containers for popcorn, candy and snacks.

Snack/Candy Baskets

Next up are our printable paper baskets.  You can put snacks such as  candy, popcorn, chips or cookies in them and they’ll make your party table look gorgeous!

Coloring Pages

Hoping to involve the kids?  Why not print them one of these 4th July coloring pages.  They’ll add that all-the-family vibe to your celebratory decor.

Best of the Rest

And finally, here are the other printable bits and bobs we think could be of use for your Independence Day decorating endeavours.

It’s always nice to make your own decorations for Independence Day and online printables are a fun way to get started.  They’re also great for getting the kids involved.  We hope that whether you’re making paper chains, coloring posters in, crafting baskets or hanging up bunting, you have a lovely time and a magical 4th of July.


St George’s Day Printables

If you’re looking for things to print out for St George’s Day this year, we’ve gathered all ours together below.  You might also want to check out our general dragon page for further ideas.

First off, here are a couple of St George certificates:

We have some dragon certificates available too, which might come in handy.  Here are a couple of examples – click here to see more:

We’ve also got some knight and dragon-themed colouring:

Looking to decorate your home or classroom?  You might find something useful in our collection of St George’s Day bunting:

You might also like these free printable greetings cards:

St George’s Day Story for Young Children

One of the problems with the St George’s Day story is that like many old tales, it can be viewed as a bit violent and sexist by today’s standards.  While this isn’t such an issue for older children who can understand it’s of its time, it can make it hard to tell to little ones.  With this in mind, we’ve created what we hope is a slightly more child-friendly version of the story.  We haven’t changed the core narrative, but we have retold it by:

  • making it clear that this particular dragon was dangerous and cruel;
  • empowering the princess to take part in deciding her own fate, rather than just being treated as an object for her father to give away as a prize in a male battle;
  • glossing over the violence of the fight between the dragon and George, which in many of the older stories is a bit gory and drawn out.

The PDF of our St George’s Story for Children is free to download and we hope you find it useful.

St George Activity Idea for Older Children:
If you are dealing with older rather than younger children, you could create a great learning activity by telling them a more adult version of the story and asking them how they would change it to tell to a younger child, or to suit a modern audience.

Other Activities:

This St George’s Day word search is another fun printable activity.  Just click/tap it to download the free PDF.

There are two more word searches below which are suitable for St George’s Day.

Easter Picks

Ah spring.  (At least if, like us, you’re in the northern hemisphere.)  The lambs, the daffodils, the bluebells, the light.  Goodness, we’ve missed the light.  And of course, Easter around the corner.  It’s always a bit of rush in our house to get everything done, unlike Christmas, which seems to be hanging around from September onwards these days.  We always feel that Easer rather jumps out from around the proverbial corner – and a mad scramble for eggs, decorations and magical Easter Bunny printables is pretty much guaranteed.  Talking of which, our top picks for this year are below…

Easter Bunny Certificates:

We’ve built up quite a few of these over the years, and you can find all of them on this page.  However, our four favourites are a follows:

Easter Bunny Letters and/or Notes

As with the certificates, we’ve created a fair few of these now but these are the ones we like the best.  Hopefully, you’ll like them too:

Easter Bunny Letter: My Secret Chocolate Factory
Easter Bunny Letter: My Secret Chocolate Factory

Easter Decorations:

From the minute the Easter Holidays start it can be great fun to gather up some children and make the house look lovely.   The spring decorations we like most are below, though it’s also worth hunting around the internet for more such things, for as much as we’d love you to stay on this site forever, there are lots of other gorgeous decorative ideas out there.

Easter Bilby Resources:

Okay, so we’re based in the UK, but we love the idea of the Easter Bilby and for any Australians out there, these are the four bilby resources to make sure you don’t miss:

Easter Fairy Newspaper

Our Easter issue of our printable fairy newspaper, The Midnight Messenger is also available as a bit of free magic for your child.  It’s best read in the run-up to Easter and will let your child know all about what’s going in the Easter Bunny’s chocolate factory under the ground.


Spring Colouring

Here are our favourite spring- themed colouring printables in one gallery. Enjoy!

Useful Printables for January

Happy new year!  We hope 2021 brings much joy and magic to you and your little ones.

January is always a quiet month for our site but for those of you who have taken the time to pop by (thanks!), we’ve collected together what we think are the most useful printables for this month.  Many are old favourites but there are one or two new resources as well.  Just scroll down and you’ll find them below…

January can be a good time to get the family active again after all those Christmas goodies, so these certificates might come in useful too:

Oh… and don’t forget it’s Burns Night on Jan 25th!
Finally, there’s always time for fairy messages, no matter what the time of year.  Whether you’re writing your own or using some of our fairy notes and certificates, here are a few of our favourites:

And for anyone looking for a relaxing (not to mention decorative!) start to the new year, here’s a bit more printable colouring:

Covid Letters from Father Christmas

This year, we’ve created a few extra letters from Father Christmas to try and help you spread a bit of magic after such a hard year.  They’re all free to print for your personal use.  You can find them on the Christmas section of our site.  Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. x

2020 Free letters from Father Christmas – written with the pandemic in mind
2020 Free letters from Father Christmas – written with the pandemic in mind

Remembrance Day Printables

It’s so important to remember those who laid down their lives in the hope of of keeping the rest of us safe, that we might inherit a better world.  Of course, we remember them for more than just one day a year, but Remembrance Day is a chance to do so together, and with that in mind, below are the printables we’ve got which we think might be useful for this day.

The British Legion need your donations more than ever due to Covid-19.  You can donate to their Poppy Appeal here:

While Remembrance Sunday is always the second Sunday in November, Remembrance Day in the UK is on the eleventh day of the eleventh month.  On that day at 11:00 GMT a two-minute silence is usually observed to commemorate those who died in conflict.  Remembrance Day is also called “Armistice Day”.

Halloween Ghosts

Looking for some ghosts to print out for Halloween?  Here’s our collection.  We hope you have fun decorating!

One great way to use all these different ghost characters is to thread them all along a string.  They look great!  Oh, and don’t forget that you can also use out blank ghost template to draw your own.

Midsummer Magic

Ah Midsummer!  What a wonderful, magical time.  It conjures up long light evenings, fairies of the forests and fields, Shakespearean fantasies, and moonlit picnics.  We love all these things and more.  Whether you’re celebrating the Solstice or having a Midsummer’s Eve Party or just a family celebration on Midsummer’s Day, all our Midsummer printables are on this page.

If you’re looking for fairies to colour in, do check out our fairy colouring page.

Having a midsummer party?  These decorations might help you make it look lovely:

Midsummer Posters and Cards:

We also have a handful of fairy certificates which are especially suitable for the summer months.  You should be able to see them below:


VE Day Bunting

Is it really that time of year again already?  Yes, indeed.  Spring is in the air and Victory in Europe Day is coming up very soon (9 May) so for those of you looking to decorate, we’ve collected our VE Day printables together in this post.  All free, of course!

VE Day Posters:

Planning on serving cupcakes?  Your tea table could look extra special with some printable cupcake wrappers:

You might also like our NHS rainbow printables.