Fairy Garland Hanging from a Tree

Fairy Garlands

For little ones who love fairies, these easy-to-make garlands are a great way to make a fairy party look magical.  They also look great in bedrooms… where the fairies can watch over you all night long.

To make this decoration, you will need:

How to Make Your Summer Sky Fairy Garland:


Decide how many fairies you need for your garland, then print them by clicking the fairy pictures below. (Each one will take you to a pdf file of that fairy pendant – three per page.)


Cut around the oval cloudscapes containing the fairies, so that you can fold each one to make a double sided paper pendant.  Tip: You might find it easier to fold each pendant over the string/wool before you glue the two halves together, so that you don’t have to thread it through.


Stick the two halves of each pendant together but only glue about half or two thirds of the blank side, leaving a nice wide unglued bit at the top for your string/wool to go through. This makes it much easier to rethread if you want to rearrange anything – you won’t have to fiddle about trying to force your string through a very small space! Finally, you might like to know that when we made ours, we found wool much better than string – it just seemed better at holding each fairy in place.


Pretty fairy bunting hanging in a garden

Hang your magical string of fairies anywhere in your home or garden.  Well done!  If they’ve turned out anything like ours it was worth the effort – and we hope your children enjoy them. A final tip: once the glue was dry we trimmed each oval to make sure there were no bits of white paper from the other side showing around the edges.