3 Father Christmas Letters in an Ebook

Three Father Christmas letters for 2013
Father Christmas Letters Kindle Book

After a surprising number of requests, we have finally created an e-book version of this year’s first three letters from Father Christmas. 

You can download it now FREE at smashwords.com

Of course, you can also still get all three letters completely free from this website – the ebook is simply for the convenience of those who like to use it to read to their children from an e-reader, or even a PDF file. 

As you would expect, we’ve included lots of colourful illustrations from the letters and dotted them throughout the text.  For those of you whose children like such things, there are also three spot the difference games at the back of the book, for an extra bit of fun. 

We have no real idea about how popular this ebook is going to be, but if it turns out that parents like it, we’ll make more.  As most of you may know, we no longer create personalised letters because over the last couple of years, there simply wasn’t enough demand.  However, we do hope you get some use out of this ebook and that it affords your little ones some magical tales. 

To all who purchase it – thank you very much!  We’ll feed any royalties back into our business and keep bringing you all the magic we can. x 

P.S.  If you’re helping Father Christmas by printing our free letters for your children this year, you can always watch this short crafting video to help you get the best out them.