It’s the night before Easter and if you’re still surfing for last-minute printables, you’ve come to the right page! Here’s a list of our most popular – all you need is a printer, possibly a pair of scissors, and the children tucked up in bed.
Oh, and we wish you and yours a very happy Easter! Thank you for visiting our website, we hope you’ll come again. xxxx
1. Full-Length Letter from the Easter Bunny: My Secret Chocolate Factory

This is our newest Easter Bunny letter and it was created this year, so it’s definitely one your child won’t have had before. Just print it and leave it somewhere for him/her to find on Easter Morning.
2. Easter Bunny Egg Hunt Note

This short note from the Easter Bunny lets your child know that he has hidden eggs around your house. Great if you’re preparing an egg hunt tonight.
3. Easter Bunny Paw Print Card
If you’d rather avoid a long letter or note, let your little one know the Easter Bunny has been with his paw print on a little card. You’ll need to print it and fold it as directed.
4. Easter Bunny Certificate of Eggstra Good Behaviour
This is a nice certificate to leave with the Easter Bunny’s eggs. Just print then write your child’s name and the date on it. (Unless you are the real Easter Bunny, you might need to disguise your handwriting!)
5. Funny Easter Bunny Note: Well Done for Being Good

This amusing little note shows the Easter Bunny at his humorous best. It’s ideal for boys or girls and great fun to leave with their Easter eggs to be found on Easter Morning.