This is just a quick post for all of you who like to keep an eye out for our latest printable resources. Once upon a time when our website was young, witches weren’t particularly popular, but since the advent of Harry Potter, we’ve seen demand for them go up and up. We’ve long had requests to extend our witch-themed printables, but it’s not always easy to know what to make.

However, this February, one of our illustrators put together a couple of witchy rhymes to print out for children’s bedroom walls. We’re calling them Witchy Wall Spells, the idea being that you can pop them on a bedroom or playroom wall for a bit of decorative fun. They’re affectionate, gentle and will hopefully bring a smile to any child. So far, we’ve got a witchy wall spell for a boy and a witchy wall spell for a girl, but we hope to add more before the end of this month.
As with all our resources, our witch-themed printables have no religious content in them whatsoever and are intended only for entertainment purposes.
Don’t forget… if you scroll down to the bottom of our newest resources, you can usually find a “Download as PDF” button to make printing easier.