A few people have asked us whether we have any horse riding certificates and up until now we’ve had to say no. However, we recently created these two which we hope you’ll find useful.
Please Note: To type text onto these certificates, you will need to open them in a good PDF reader such as Adobe’s. If your browser opens them automatically, you may find you cannot type on them, in which case just find the “download” option and save them to your machine.
Blank Horse Riding Certificate Templates
This riding certificate template is an editable PDF, ready for you to type on. It’s completely free for personal use, though if you’re using it on other sites or social media, we do ask that you give a shout out or link. That’s because having lots of people visit our site lets us keep our printables free.

Or you might prefer the template below. There’s lots of room on it for you to add the name of your own stables or other organisation, along with the details of whomever it’s for. Then all you have to do it print it out.