Tag Archives: colouring

10 Summer Favourites

With the summer underway, (at least in the northern hemisphere – apologies to those elsewhere!), we thought we’d post a short list of our most popular summer printables.  We hope you find them useful:

1 Summer Party Bags

Summer Party Bags
Summer Party Bags

2 Summer Tooth Fairy Note and Certificates

3 Summer Traveller Pirate Certificate

Free printable pirate certificate - summer traveller
Summer Traveller Pirate Certificate
(Ready to personalise)

4 Summer Garland and Bunting

Printable Fruit Garland

5 Summer Colouring Pages

6 Summer Party Invitations

7 Sporty Summer Certificates



8 Remember to Pack Your Toothbrush! (Tooth Fairy Note)

Printable note from the Tooth Fairy reminding a child to pack a toothbrush
Remember to Pack Your Toothbrush

9 Summer Paper Baskets and Cones

10 Useful Thank You Notes for Summer



For anyone looking for more lovely summery resources, here are a few of our favourites from around the internet:

Printable Masks – This site has a great collection of masks to keep the kids entertained this summer, or indeed at any other time of year.

Hidden Pictures – This selection of charming pictures with things hidden all over them is great for keeping children busy over the summer.  Like hide-and-seek on the page!  They can also be coloured in for extra fun.

Our Top Picks for January

With Christmas over and the new year at the starting block, we thought we’d list a few of our favourite printables for January. Some are new and some are old favourites but our site is getting so big that we thought a little list might help make sure there’s no mid-winter magic you’ve missed.

1 Christmas Thank You Notes

Christmas Thank You Notes

2 Burns’ Night Printables

3  Tooth Fairy Notes

4 Blank Fairy Notepaper

Blank Fairy Notepaper

5 Spring Colouring

Printable spring colouring pages

Best of Our Summer Colouring

Ah summer… and colouring.  Two of our favourite things rolled into one!

Our colouring is aimed at children rather than adults, although grown-ups are welcome to it too, of course.  After all, studies have shown that simply colouring in a picture  is good for your mental health – a relaxing pastime no matter what age you are.

Anyway, we’ve put all our summer colouring faves together below so they’re easy to scroll through,  starting with a pirate and a pirate cat:

Or how about some lovely, simple-to-colour summery unicorns?

And here’s the rest:


Spring Colouring

Here are our favourite spring- themed colouring printables in one gallery. Enjoy!

Covid Printables

It’s miserable being in the middle of a pandemic, but we’ve put together these printables which you might find useful while the world tries to cope with the coronavirus crisis.  They’re meant to be light-hearted and to stop children feeling too anxious.

If you want to create your own Tooth Fairy certificate, you can find our blank templates here.

Has your child been feeling anxious about the pandemic?  An award for bravery might help.  It won’t take fear away of course, but it could help your little one feel proud of the way he or she is coping.  A little bit of praise and acknowledgement is something we all need from time to time.

Covid Christmas Letters

Finally, if you want to print a magical Father Christmas letter to say well done for coping so well with Covid restrictions, you can find one here.

Rainbow Posters

Are you looking to show your support for the NHS or other key workers?  Great!  It’s lovely to see rainbows popping up in windows all over the UK, appreciating just how precious all our health workers are.  Here’s our little contribution – a collection of rainbow posters for children to print and colour in:

By the way, we think it’s really nice of you to think of others during this difficult time.  Your kindness is far more magical than anything we do on this site.

If you have a key worker among your friends or family, why not colour in a poster just for them? We’ve tried to include as many as we could think of, and there’s one you can fill in yourself if we’ve missed someone.

Looking for plain rainbow colouring without any writing? These are two of our favourites?

And here are two final posters which are key to that all-important message to stay home if you can:

Colouring for Spring

This is just a quick post to gather together all our favourite colouring pages for spring.  Great for those rainy afternoons with the children, though fingers crossed you won’t get too many!

Feeling musical this spring?  You might like these:


Along with colouring pages, you might also enjoy the following printables which are popular in spring:

Mermaid Certificates

Learning to Swim - free mermaid certificate
Learning to Swim

Our mermaid certificates are always popular in spring – though we’re never quite sure why!  Possibly it’s a time when children learn to swim.  Anyway, they’re also fun for children’s parties, oh, and we’ve got a mermaid invitations and a mermaid treasure hunt you can print too.

Pastel Alphabet Bunting

Perhaps it’s the soft spring colours that make our printable pastel alphabet bunting a popular download at this time of year.

Tooth Fairy Notes

Notes from the Tooth Fairy

These little notes from the Tooth fairy never stop being popular, no matter what the time of year. At the moment, they are among our top five most visited pages.

New Colouring Pages

Hello!  As you’ll know if you’re a regular visitor to this site, we add new printable colouring pages whenever we can.  Here are our latest offerings, many of which have been created with the upcoming season of autumn in mind.  We hope you find them useful and that if your children are heading back to school this September, they have a great term.

Latest Colouring Pages

We’re always adding extra colouring in pages here and there throughout our site, so we try to keep this post updated with the latest ones, all in one place:

Here are some more you might have missed:

More coming soon!