Tag Archives: Father Christmas

Letters to Santa and Christmas Lists

Can you feel the Christmas magic yet?  No doubt the kids can and are getting ready to write that all-important letter to Santa and Christmas list!  With this in mind, we thought we’d put together a quick post to highlight all our free letter to Santa and Christmas list templates.  So, if your child is writing his or her Christmas correspondence to that magical man at the North pole this week, perhaps these will come in handy:


Need a Reply?

If your child has written a letter and/or Christmas list, or drawn a picture for Santa, you may be looking for a reply.  Obviously, we have to keep it general, but we’ve created the following resources to help you out:

And don’t forget we create a range of longer free letters from Santa too!

Need a Reminder?

A note from Santa asking your child to write his or her Christmas List
Please write Your Christmas List!

If the Christmas clock is ticking and your little one is dragging his or her heels about getting that Christmas List written, this little reminder from Father Christmas may just do the trick. Good luck and have a very merry Christmas – ho, ho, ho! x

Santa Claus or Father Christmas?

Many of our letters to Santa Claus are also available as letters to Father Christmas. This is because we know that people in different families and places call him by different names. In the UK, we find the preference is for “Father Christmas”, in the USA it’s “Santa”.

We’re sorry that we haven’t managed to provide two versions of absolutely every resource – we’ve had a lot to do and have been short on time. However, if there is an alternative version of any of our letters, you’ll be able to see a note and a link underneath it.

You might also like our elf printables!

Five Free Early Christmas Printables

You may think it’s a way off but before you know it, it’ll be that time a year again!

Magical Christmas clockSure, it’s an inner groan from those of us who dread the Christmas shopping but on the children front, it’s hard not to smile when you think of the upcoming magic. We’ve been doing this long enough to know that right this minute there are children out there wondering if they’ve been good enough (and if not trying to do better rather hurriedly!) for a certain someone to bring presents this year.

It’s a great time, therefore, to encourage your little ones to use their imaginations… Far up in the North Pole the Christmas clock is ticking; the elves have started to wrap up their presents, the reindeer have begun getting into shape for the long journey on Christmas Eve, and the Nice List is sparkling into life. Will your little one’s name magically appear on it?

With this in mind and for all those who just can’t wait, here are our five favourite free early Christmas printables. In our house, we use them to build excitement early on, so that by the time Christmas rolls around, our children can almost hear the sleigh bells. We hope you and yours enjoy them too.

1 Nice List Certificate

You're on the Nice List
You’re on the Nice List

If your child has been good, it’s never too early to let them know they’re on the nice list! As well as being a printable image you can write on, this one also comes as an editable PDF, which means you can just hit the appropriate button (underneath the main image) and type straight onto the certificate.

Not quite what you’re looking for? Check out the rest of our Christmas certificates here.

2 A letter from Santa to Read Before Christmas

Picture of a free printable letter from Santa, complete withh wiggly writing and illustrations of reindeerOur before Christmas letters have long been popular with anyone who wants to find out what magical things have been going on at the North Pole. A Kitchen Full of Reindeer is one of our favourites and it’s completely free from this site. (Check our Terms of Use.) It’s a magical, funny letter, telling the story of how all the reindeer have ended up causing havoc in Santa’s kitchen.

Oh – and if you’re folding/rolling up your letter and want the back to look pretty, you can always print one of our Christmassy letter-back designs on the other side.

We hope you enjoy our letters, but please remember they are only for personal use – it’s not legal to sell then or use them for any other commercial purposes. Their copyright remains with the author.

3 Santa’s Magic Mirror Note

Letter from Santa “Santa's Magic Mirror Writing”
Santa Letter: Santa’s Magic Mirror Writing

This is a great note for anyone who wants to let their children know that a couple of Santa’s elves are popping by (in secret of course) to see if they’re being good. Use it as early as you like to encourage good behaviour and for extra effect, print and fold a little envelope from Santa to put it in.

Your child will need a mirror to read this top-secret message – but that’s all part of the magic.

4 November Niceness Certificate

Certificate of November Niceness
November Niceness

Another certificate from Santa – but this time one’s just for November.

5 Elf Notification: You Made It to The Nice List

This cute note is a great reward for a child who has been good all year. It’s such a great feeling to know the elves have noticed!

Looking for more letters from the elves?  Try this page of our site.

Along with the rest of the resources on this page, we really hope this note helps you create a little extra magic for your loved ones this Christmas. x

Latest Christmas Magic

Are you looking for our latest Christmas printables?  Well, you can find them on the Christmas area of our site, or just click on the links which interest you below.

There are reindeer letters, Santa letters written with Covid in mind, letters for your Christmas Eve box, elf printables and more.

Printable Christmas letters from Santa Claus, Rudolph the Reindeer, the elves and more.
From Rudolph’s writings to Santa’s scribblings, these are the letters we love!
Our favourite Christmas printables
Favourite Xmas printables, old and new
Useful bits and pieces from the Christmas elves
Letters from Rudolph and the reindeer
Two magical letters for you Christmas Eve box, from Santa and Rudolph.

We wish you a truly magical Christmas, and all the best for the new year.

Covid Letters from Father Christmas

This year, we’ve created a few extra letters from Father Christmas to try and help you spread a bit of magic after such a hard year.  They’re all free to print for your personal use.  You can find them on the Christmas section of our site.  Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. x

2020 Free letters from Father Christmas – written with the pandemic in mind
2020 Free letters from Father Christmas – written with the pandemic in mind

You’re on the Nice List!

If you’re little one has been good enough to make it onto Santa’s Nice list this year, these free printables might come in handy.  They’re everything we’ve got – old and new – that lets a child know he or she has been good enough, (or very nearly good enough), for Christmas gifts.

Please remember all resources are for personal use only.  Thanks.

Blank Christmas Notepaper for DIYing

Of course you might want to write your own note from Father Christmas to let your little on know they’ve made it onto his Nice List.  If so, our blank Christmas notepaper could come in handy.

For more, check out the area of our site which is completely dedicated to Christmas.  We’ve been moving all our free Christmas printables there bit by bit and if we have any new ones, that’s where they’ll be.