If you’re looking for free printables Tooth Fairy, look no further!
We’ve grouped our resources together on the pages below:
Want more? Check out our latest Tooth Fairy posts…
Make a Miniature Tooth Fairy Letter

There are many beautiful Tooth Fairy letters out there in the cloud and some of the loveliest ones are very small. Fairy-sized in fact. However, it can be rather fiddly to find a tiny pen (and perhaps your strongest reading glasses!) to write one yourself, so we thought we’d post a couple that are ready-written … Continue reading Make a Miniature Tooth Fairy Letter
Your Fairy Ideas

Hello dear visitors! First of all a big thank you to all of you who have dropped us a line since the new year with your fairy requests and ideas. We LOVE to hear your thoughts. As you know, we don’t always have time to make everything we would want to, but we do try … Continue reading Your Fairy Ideas
8 New Magical Printables
Hello visitor! If you’re a regular looking for the latest kids’ printables we’ve created, they’re listed below. 1. Last Tooth Collection Notes When it’s time for that very last tooth to be collected, these notes are the ones to use. There’s a version for a boy and one for a girl – they’re lovely way … Continue reading 8 New Magical Printables
The Magic of Fairies

Ah, the magic of fairies! Whether it’s a snow fairy flying in and out of the snowflakes on a dark winter’s night or a summer fairy sleeping the afternoon away in the shady petals of a rose, every season has these magical creatures wound up within the stories we tell. There’s the Tooth Fairy, of … Continue reading The Magic of Fairies
New Tooth Fairy and Birthday Fairy Notes

We’ve been updating our Tooth Fairy and Birthday Fairy notes this week and we thought you might find it useful to see a quick list of which notes are brand new. We’ll continue adding notes from both these magical characters whenever we can. If you enjoy a particular note, please consider liking it using the … Continue reading New Tooth Fairy and Birthday Fairy Notes
New Full-Length Tooth Fairy Letter
We’ve added a new full-length letter to our little collection of letters from the Tooth Fairy, which we hope you will enjoy. We’ve called this one “Building a Fairy Path” and it is all about how the Tooth Fairy uses the tooth she has just collected (from your child) to help make a white path … Continue reading New Full-Length Tooth Fairy Letter
How to Make a Tooth Fairy Letter
Has your child lost a tooth? This video will help you make a magical letter from the Tooth Fairy using our free printables. Here are the links to the printables in the video: First, choose the Tooth Fairy letter you want to print then print a back for your Tooth Fairy letter Happy crafting!
Top Ten Tooth Fairy Printables
People often wonder which of our Tooth Fairy resources are the most popular… and of course, so do we. Well, we’ve consulted our stats and here they are, our top ten most popular Tooth fairy printables of all time (or at least for as long as they’ve been around). They’re in reverse order. Enjoy. 10. … Continue reading Top Ten Tooth Fairy Printables