As there are millions of pages out there about Father Christmas, we thought that rather than use this one to tell you about the general myth of Santa, we’d use it to tell you about ours. That’s to say the Santa Claus we depict in our letters and other resources. We know you’ll all have your own family Father Christmas stories too, because that’s part of the wonderful magic of Christmas but we hope you find our thoughts on the magical man useful – and if you’re looking for ideas as to how to bring some fresh magic into your little one’s life, you can always blend them with yours.
Where does Santa live?

Father Christmas lives in a magical house at the very top of the world – the North Pole. For anyone visiting him in Lapland, we tell children that his house is so magical it moves around from time to time, though it can only go where it’s snowy and cold. He lives with lots of helpers, including elves, fairies and all sorts of other magical folk.
Other Important Buildings Near Santa’s Home
As well his house, there are a handful of other buildings which are very important to Father Christmas.
The Christmas Tree Workshop
This is one of the places the elves like to go to make toys and it’s a workshop with a difference because it’s built into a giant, magical Christmas tree.
The Reindeer Stables
The reindeer stables are where Rudolph and the other reindeer live. It’s probably one of the most magical places of all. A great letter from Father Christmas for finding out more about the reindeer is “A Kitchen Full of Reindeer“. It’s free to print out for your child.
The Iceberg Supermarket
This magical building doesn’t belong to Father Christmas but he goes there all the time. It’s a shopping mall inside an iceberg!